The Mason's Ring

Anyone who watched the movie "National Treasure I" starring Nicolas Cage likely noticed the ring worn by Sadusky, the character portrayed by Harvey Keitel, at the end of the film. For those who may not have paid attention, the camera focused on a ring worn by Sadusky towards the movie's conclusion. Presumably, this was to suggest that the FBI agent who assisted the main characters in safeguarding the treasure was a member of a society with knowledge of the treasure. It's important to note that this is a movie, far removed from reality, and the ring shown was supposedly a Masonic ring. So, what exactly is a Masonic ring?


The Masonic ring is a revered emblem of the Masonic fraternity, proudly worn by Master Masons. This iconic piece of jewelry bears intricate symbols, primarily featuring the square, the compass, and the letter G. These symbols are deeply meaningful and convey the core values and principles of Freemasonry. We will delve into the symbolism of the Masonic ring, explore the meanings behind these symbols, but not to the extent that divulged information that should only be known by master masons. We will try to explain why Freemasons should wear them with pride and the responsibility that goes when wearing the ring. And it does not involve the knowledge of the national treasure.

The Masonic ring, often worn on the ring finger of the dominant hand, is a representation of a Master Mason's commitment to the principles, rituals, and teachings of Freemasonry. It serves as a constant reminder of the Mason's journey through the Craft and the lessons learned along the way.

1. The Square:

One of the central symbols on the Masonic ring is the square, which represents virtue. In Masonic philosophy, the square serves as a reminder to lead an upright and morally righteous life. It symbolizes fairness, honesty, and the importance of adhering to moral principles in all aspects of life.

2. The Compass:

The compass is another integral symbol, and it represents boundaries and limitations. In Freemasonry, it is a symbol of self discipline and control. Just as the compass is used by architects and builders to draw precise circles, Masons are reminded to circumscribe their desires and passions, ensuring they stay within the bounds of moral and ethical conduct.

3. The Letter G:

The most enigmatic symbol on the Masonic ring is the letter G, often placed at the center of the square and compass. The letter G can have various interpretations, including God, or Grand Architect of the Universe. Regardless of the interpretation, it emphasizes the spiritual and intellectual aspects of Freemasonry, underlining the importance of faith, reason, and the pursuit of knowledge.

4. Two Pillars:

Some Masonic rings feature two pillars between the square and compass, typically representing the two pillars mentioned in the biblical account of King Solomon's Temple. These pillars symbolize strength and stability, both essential attributes for a Master Mason. They also remind Masons of the importance of balance and equilibrium in life.

Why Do Freemasons Wear Masonic Rings?

1. Recognition:

Masonic rings serve as a discreet way for Freemasons to identify one another in public. This recognition fosters a sense of brotherhood and camaraderie among Masons worldwide.

2. Personal Reminders:

Wearing the Masonic ring is a personal commitment to the principles and values of Freemasonry. It acts as a constant reminder to uphold the moral and ethical standards set by the Craft.

3. Contribution to Charity:

In some Masonic jurisdictions, the sale of Masonic rings contributes to charitable endeavors supported by the fraternity. Wearing the ring is, therefore, a tangible way for Masons to support these charitable activities.

4. Tradition and Legacy:

Masonic rings are often passed down through generations, symbolizing a family's long standing commitment to Freemasonry. They serve as a tangible link between the past, present, and future of Masonry.


The Masonic ring is a powerful symbol of the Masonic fraternity, bearing the square, compass, and the letter G as its defining elements. These symbols encapsulate the core values of virtue, self-discipline, spirituality, and knowledge that Freemasons hold dear. Wearing the Masonic ring is not only a form of recognition but also a personal commitment to living a virtuous and principled life. The masonic ring should only be worn by master masons. It is a tradition that binds Masons across generations and serves as a constant reminder of their shared principles and ideals. In this way, the Masonic ring remains a cherished emblem of the Masonic brotherhood, signifying the enduring strength and unity of Freemasonry.

